Jacquelyn Adler
Author of This Post
Three-12 Solutions is a systems integration IT consulting firm that helps organizations solve problems through innovative IT solutions. Three-12 Solutions has a focus in project management and project delivery, specialized in various technologies that include CRM, DATA and AI. Three-12 offers customized solutions in a variety of business sectors, ranging from business, education, health care, aviation, and government.
Christian Brown started Three-12 Solutions with a vision of helping clients meet their goals in August of 2013. The company moved to Dublin, Ohio in August 2016 and located an office in the Dublin Entrepreneurial Center(DEC), a professional co-working hub dedicated to cultivating entrepreneurs and growing businesses in Dublin. Three-12 engaged The Ohio State University Medical Wexner creating the OSU Agile Performance Lab and trained 30 plus Project Managers in Agile at the DEC. Three-12 is a growing consulting firm with a reputation for innovation and agility. Christian indicates, we are very agile when it comes to innovation and helping others, and this is how we outrun the competition.
Christian is excited for future plans at Three-12. “We have launched our Gold Partner program, Three-12 ecoPartnersTM which we believe is the most comprehensive network of talent and tech in the Midwest. Three-12 ecoPartners Network provides customers access to 12 Dartpoints N+1 redundancy cloud data centers nationally, more than 150 plus certified Salesforce CRM experts, and over 1200 IT Professionals on-shore extending globally in CRM, Data & AI. Three-12 became a Salesforce Partner (SI) in 2022 and believes Three-12 ecoPartners is now the largest single Salesforce Talent network for Salesforce aligned with Salesforce recruiting giant Mason Frank International.
Three-12 has worked with the Department of Higher Education, The Ohio State University, American Electric Power, J.P. Morgan and Chase, several State of Ohio agencies and Columbus Regional Airport Authority and AVID Center (San Diego, Ca).
During COVID, Dartpoints became our first Gold Three-12 ecoPartner. Collaboratively we re-mapped every single network connection for cybersecurity for the John Glenn International Airport and Rickenbacker International Airport. Jim Hayes, CTO Dartpoints, and technical team did a phenomenal job in such short time. Three-12 is excited to be an official reseller of Dartpoints Internet Exchange Point (IXP) which now has Bridge IX powered by DE-CIX that reduces IP transit and network costs by aggregating different IP networks directly on a Layer 2 switching platform. By connecting hundreds of networks on the most advanced industry platforms, the service enhances the speed and reliability of all kinds of IP products. It’s more than a cost reduction. By peering at an IXP, network operators avoid expensive transit prices (thereby lowering connectivity costs), reduce latency, increase throughput with improved stability an ideal solution for State Government and Higher Education.
Three-12 Solutions has distinguished itself with the novel data management, curation, and analytical solutions they brought to bear across the lifecycle of the Ohio Innovation Exchange (OIEx), said project director Dr. Tim Cain. Industry-sought, higher education-driven, and state government-sponsored, the OIEx Web portal (See https://www.ohioinnovationexchange.org/) is a statewide, multi-university initiative of the Ohio Department of Higher Education that provides searchable access to 11,000 university faculty experts, 2,300 research services and shareable equipment, and 30,000 licensable patents from a growing coalition of ten Ohio universities. The OIEx project team engaged Three-12 given its portfolio of work in higher education and business and their ability to solve complex problems using customized IT solutions.
“The federation of data that underpins OIEx is derived from a complex collection of sources. The custom technical solutions that the Three-12 team helped deploy for OIEx streamlined some of the more arduous steps of data curation and improved the overall quality of resource data available through OIEx,” said Cain.
Christian indicates. In 2023 Three-12 delivered the implementation of the Agreements Request System and Ohio Tuition Trust Assistance request approval systems which helps approve budgets across the State of Ohio Department of Higher Education Ohio community. These Microsoft Power Platform systems leverage responsible uses of AI that notify the technical and business teams proactively when users may be having trouble. We appreciate the engagements and insight of ODHE to be early adopters of new technologies led by Vice-Chancellor Charles See, ODHE and Jeff Smith, Director of Infrastructure OH-TECH.”
Three-12 values their relationships with clients and the projects they complete. “At the end of the day, it’s about meeting goals. We understand our clients very well. We get repeat opportunities because we complete excellent work. We believe that, in order to do great business, you have to have character, do business right and in a timely manner.”
Christian offered this to entrepreneurs getting their initial start. “The first step is the hardest, which is the step of faith. The next thing is to get wisdom: putting together a good advisory board and team members and not giving up. Having people, you can trust and who will be honest with you is the key to success. We get our name from Philippians 3:12-14; We are just pressing toward our goals helping others reach their goals. We work with the best talent from all backgrounds to get the job done.” Three-12 Solutions is a privately held LLC owned by Christian & Eileen Brown and is a 100% Minority-Owned Ohio MBE certified by NMSDC.
Being in Dublin has provided Three-12 with multiple ways to succeed. “Dublin is a hub for technology and business. We are very visible to our clients. At the Dublin Entrepreneurial Center, we have developed wonderful relationships here with easy access to expertise. So grateful for Chaz Freutel, DEC Manager and team. Anything you need to run a thriving business; you can get right here in Dublin Entrepreneurial Center.” More information can be found at www.three-12.com, or by email to info@three-12.com Reach out! Three-12 Solutions, LLC 565 Metro Pl S Ste 3407 Dublin OH 43017.