Founders Stock, Restricted Stock or Options

Getting your Equity Compensation Plans Right, Right from the Start!

Join us for networking and a panel discussion you won’t want to miss. We’ll be covering some of the basics and sharing a real-world example of what every startup founder needs to know about equity-based compensation and how to do it right, right from the start.

Hear from a founder who lived it and the professionals who do it every day. Understand the rules and lean into lessons learned on plan design, documentation, and developing your plan with the exit in mind.

The first part of the event will include beverages and light refreshments and the panel moderated by Arthi Rathi – CFO at Book+Street. Panelist includes:

Tim Presto – Co-founder + CEO, PolicyFuel + Parachute

Jaime Kresge – Partner at Ashbrook Byrne Kresge LLC

Michelle Murcia – Founder + CEO at Book+Street

Networking to follow.

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