A Small Business Getting Big Sh*t Done

Did you know that in Ohio alone, there are 80,480 new businesses that have been created in 2022 so far? That is an average of 16,096 new businesses per month. That’s a lot of new kids on the block. 2019, 2020, and 2021 were all record-setting years in Ohio for new business creation. In 2021, Ohio saw the highest annual filing record with 197,010 new business filings. This is something to be celebrated and be cautiously optimistic about. As a small business owner you know most businesses don’t make it to the 5 year mark. We want to offer a solution for that. Creating support systems that new, or established businesses can put in place is kind of our jam.

We are Virtical, the virtual assistant company who gets sh*t done. You’ve probably seen the words virtual assistant being used more frequently in your work life lately, but might not know exactly what that means. One of the first questions to ask is “how can this benefit my business?” In our current post – pandemic era, where more people are working remotely not only in the US but also globally – outsourcing and hiring VAs has become a small business owner’s go-to, not only to survive, but thrive in the modern day business world.

Our virtual assistants are professionals in their field with many years of experience. We recruit our VA’s to make sure they are the best at what they do and have an extensive list of services and fields we are more than proficient in. The only training they need is with your system specifically, and what form of communication works best for you. We don’t bring on just anybody because we refuse to be a company made up of less than the best people for the job.

Basically we want to do your work for you – no really! We have 5 umbrella fields we specialize in and dozens of subcategories under each umbrella. Our specialties include: Sales, Finance, Marketing, Customer Service, and Human Resources. So for instance if you needed to delegate your accounts receivable tasks and your social media accounts we could handle all of that for you! Delegating is a necessary step in growth and hiring a Virtual Assistant instead of a direct employee saves you time, money, and resources.

Has my work-life balance diminished?

Owning a start up doesn’t have to mean you own every part of the responsibilities. Delegating some of the tasks to a Virtual Assistant can help you avoid burnout. This is why the question, “has my work – life balance diminished,” is one of the crucial questions to ask when considering Virtual Assistant services in general.

Knowing where your strengths lie and what to ask for help with is the difference between a business that makes it 2 years and a business who makes it 20 years. We are passionate about building businesses here in Columbus because we really do believe we can all win together.

Being based in Columbus we have direct roots in the community and are invested in doing what we can to help everyone thrive. We are excited to not only see, but also directly support, the immense amount of talent Columbus is home to. Here is to 2023!

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