Your Customer’s Best Investment

By Elio Harmon

Money is tight. Corporations all across the world are battening down the hatches in preparation for a recession in 2023. The best evidence in Startupland are the recent tech layoffs by names like Doordash, Meta, Amazon and Lyft totaling 20,000 in November alone (, 2022). Households are no different. With inflation hitting consumer staples like food and clothing, subscriptions like gym memberships, Netflix, and my Amazon Subscribe and Save for fancy dog food are all getting a second look. Sorry Bella (Bella is my Maltese).

So if you are a startup or small business and you made it through budget season banking a sweet slice of ARR to keep the lights on and avoid layoffs yourself, take a sip of Champere, yes I watch Emily In Paris, and start thinking long and hard about how your company can become your customer’s best investment in 2023. With this in mind, here is our big idea for how we intend to make our customers’ Blue Chip vendor list.

take a sip of Champere, yes I watch Emily In Paris, and start thinking long and hard about how your company can become your customer’s best investment in 2023.

How I Met Your Mother

After 2 years of social distancing, it is only natural that it would take us some time to venture back out into the wild. The simple joy of wearing sweatpants all day or working naked if you wanted, triple checking to make sure the Zoom cam was off, is a little hard to let go of. But human beings are social creatures. According to The Harvard Gazette the cost of distancing may outweigh the benefits in healthy adults. “Research has shown that social isolation can have negative effects on health, significantly increasing the risk of premature death, depression, anxiety, heart disease, and other conditions.” Duh!

So that’s why this year we are working with our readers and sponsors to build a more closely connected startup ecosystem via curated learning and networking opportunities. Why is this important? To many of our readers, our sponsors are nameless and faceless. For many of our sponsors, our readers are nameless and faceless. Our goal is to play matchmaker by breaking the ice, facilitating the intro, and becoming the answer to the age old questions, How did you guys meet? If we are able to successfully partner enough people this year via our events, I have no doubt that come this time next year, we will be more than a budget line item, we will be our customer’s best investment.

How do you plan on becoming your customer’s best investment? Let us know in the comments.

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