6 New Companies Enter Rev1 Ventures Startup Studio

By Alicia Oddi

The third quarter cohort of startups and innovators from Rev1 Ventures Startup Studio represents a range of solutions and industries. These startups are taking on the big challenges of today’s world—developing talent and matching it to critical hiring needs, advancing sensor technology and recycling to further environmental sustainability, and improving quality of life by saving people time. 

Meet these six exciting new clients.

Accentus Health, Inc. provides the S.T.A.R. Support mobile app and platform to address mental health and work-life balance disparities in company and individual wellness. A 100 percent confidential mental wellness platform, S.T.A.R. is based on research out of The Ohio State University to address stress and trauma in individuals and organizations. The dashboard-driven platform includes wellness assessments, mood checks, self-support exercises, coursework, videos, and more.


AdmissionWiz is an education technology company that is empowering students from around the world with better access to higher education in the United States. Its platform connects prospective international students with small to mid-sized higher education institutions offering high-quality education at an affordable cost. AdmissionWiz simplifies the U.S. admission and student visa process for international students by giving them easy access to the platform and expert admission counselors. www.admissionwiz.com

Equitek is addressing the healthcare staffing and scheduling challenges that face the industry nationwide. Using proprietary artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, Equitek’s My Shift Health mobile application and technological infrastructure matches clinicians and other healthcare professionals directly with facilities to reduce staffing costs for facilities and improve work-life balance of healthcare professionals.

RedNOx, Inc. is developing a next-generation NOx (nitrogen oxides) sensors based on intellectual property developed at The Ohio State University. Prototype sensors are in evaluation for their ability to accurately monitor emissions of very low levels of NOx as mobile source emissions are reduced to meet federal and state ambient air quality standards.

Reformul8 diverts plastic waste from landfills and the environment to recycle into eco-friendly products. The company works with consumers and manufacturers to collect plastic waste to recycle it into new products, including 3D printer filaments.


Vohnt, LLC. Is creating a new operations model for immediate, convenient, and affordable access to car care. Vohnt picks ups and services vehicles where they are typically idle—parked at work or while owners sleep. The 24/7 operation redefines the car care industry with Cloud Car Care, one-click car care that covers everything from filling the tank to overcoming owner obstacles to delayed auto maintenance with cost-effective convenience.
